Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Stackridge - A Victory for Common Sense (2009)
Stackridge had a string of classic albums in the early 70s and they broke up right when they seemed to have run out of steam, leaving no illusions of lost opportunities or missing masterpieces. Since then there have been a handful of partial reunions, but not until 2009 did the original line-up all get back together again. Stackridge are pretty obscure nowadays, and even in their heyday they were never too successful. They never had a hit single or any connections to a major band for them to ride the coattails of popularity on. So why should anyone care about this reunion? Well because it’s really good that’s why. Their age occasionally shows through in their voices, and the nostalgic lyrics, but the songs are consistently great so why should it matter? Musically they go through several different styles, from rock and pop to music hall and prog, updating their classic sound for the new millennium without giving in to any negative modern trappings. This is an extremely solid album from a band that by all rights shouldn’t have any business putting out music of this quality this late in their career. A Victory for Common Sense stands up against any of Stackridge’s previous albums. It’s really English too. - Ken


  1. Couldn't agree more, this is one of my favourite albums of the last 12 months. Hope to see them at a festival maybe this Summer. Super band!

  2. Seemed to have ...bettered with age....if that's the right thing to say....and not a stick of rhubarb in sight.....thanks for the share....cheers.
