Friday, December 25, 2009

Crime in Choir - Trumpery Metier (2006)

Normally the term "modern prog" scares the ever-loving Genesis out of me, and my sphincter seals tighter than an airlock on a NASA shuttle. So, imagine my surprise when I got this on a recommendation when it was released, only to spin it for the first time and say "hey, that ain't half bad!" This isn't what one would normally consider when they think of "modern prog." Rather, I see it as a genuine stab at the vintage prog/canterbury from the 70s, combined with a double-shot of jam-heavy funk and a side order of Ozric Tentacles. The instrumentation gives off an epic feel throughout the entire affair, but once you get used to the sound, it's easy to realize that we're dealing with a quintet of guys who just want to get down and play some music; nothing more than that. I guess I should point out the most notable flaw in that this is a "what you see is what you get" type of experience. Sure, there might be quite a few breath-taking moments, but a scratch-n-sniff won't reveal many future revelations while listening through. However, if you're content with throwing on some good, well-orchestrated jams that lack any possible instance of modern prog snobbery, I encourage you to strap on your favorite bib and dig in. - The DOK

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