Sunday, January 17, 2010

Subtle - For Hero: For Fool (2006)

While Subtle's sound tends to be rooted in hip hop, their first album, A New White, was mostly mellow, abstract, ambient and seems to show a lot of the same influences as Kid Amnesiac era Radiohead (without actually sounding like Radiohead) as well as lots of other influences like the Notwist. The one I'm sharing, however, was recorded after the band was in a tour bus accident which left one of their members a quadriplegic. The stress of the whole ordeal resulted in the album being incredibly heavy, dense (musically and lyrically), anxious, and the whole thing comes across as one of those rare albums where the band HAD to make it or their brains would've exploded. The music is filled with everything from IDM-esque electronics, pretty cello driven passages (courtesy of their full time cello player), spacey post-rock and lots of other genres manage to creep their way into their sound at one time or another. It constantly jumps freely from one style to another and their frontman's flow changes drastically throughout to match, which has made a number of people that are familiar with it draw comparisons to Mr. Bungle or other various Mike Patton projects. Because it's so dense, it tends to take a few listens to really get into and every listen reveals something new and awesome. - Nieh

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